Friday, August 2, 2013

Meal Planning!

Ok.. so this is how this crazy mamma plans her dinner meals every week. It is easy for me to do breakfast (cereal, or scrambled eggs and toast) and lunch (… pb&j).. but something more complex like dinner usually just makes me freak.. so.. this is how I do it.. because I am selectively OCD.
For me just making a list of what meals my family wants for the week, and then listing out the ingredients for each one makes it SOOO much easier when it comes to dinner time. 
So in Excel (or whatever program.. or paper.. whateves) I just list the meal and then next to it put down what ingredients I need. I then will highlight what I have green and what I don’t have red… yes I know.. this must all sound extremely difficult.. I know you are all in envy of my skills. And then I will highlight the meal green if I have everything I need to make it. And then once I have made the meal I just delete it from my list!… I know it sounds kinda silly but it seriously helps someone who is super scatter-brained like me when it comes to dinner time.
Not only does it make it a lot easier to make dinner but it also helps to make it cheaper. If I can see that I am only going to be making one meal with chicken in it for the week.. then I won’t buy a huge bag. OR if I know that I have a huge bag of frozen chicken already at home then I can meal plan around that as well. Many times I will go and search the pantry  and freezer for what I already have and I will plan a few meals around that before I even list other things.

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